How Many Calories Does Jumping On A Trampoline Burn?

Last Updated on August 17, 2022 by Charlie Nash

Jumping on a trampoline is fun for kids and adults who are bored of their strenuous workout routines. Trampoline jumping is a low-impact exercise that is way more effective than jogging and other cardio workouts.

Backyard trampoline jumping or rebounding can burn calories more rapidly than other gymnasium equipment. But the question arises how many calories does jumping on a Trampoline burn? Though the number of calories you burn depends upon the intensity of your workout and weight.

In trampoline jumping, the average number of calories you can burn in one hour is 250-325. You can measure the number of calories you burnt with a heart rate monitor. In recent studies, some experts stated that you can burn 1000 calories on a trampoline in a day. (Source)

Jumping on a trampoline is the best exercise because it burns fats, builds muscles, helps to lose weight rapidly, and enhances the metabolic rate that strengthens the cardiovascular muscles. 

What is the difference between trampoline and rebounder?


A trampoline is a bouncy surface that you can use for jumping and performing gymnastic stunts. It is best for recreational activities. Jumping on a trampoline is best for losing weight and for burning extra fats and calories.


Whereas the rebounder is a small trampoline used for shedding weight and maintaining fitness. Most people use rebounders for working out in home gyms because it is easy to install, store and transport. 

How many calories does jumping on a trampoline burn? 

All humans burn calories the whole day, and the number of calories they burn varies significantly because of factors like age and weight. For instance, when a heavyweight person jumps on a trampoline, he may lose more calories than someone with less weight jumping with the same intensity. 

Moreover, the number of calories you burn depends upon how vigorously you jump on a trampoline. The more vigorously you jump, the more calories you lose. When you jump, the breathing goes deeper, and the body consumes more energy. As a result, calories burn more rapidly. 

However, if we discuss the average number of calories burned during trampoline jumping is; For men of weight 124 pounds, it is 120-125 calories in 10 minutes, and for women of average weight 142 pounds, it is 90-95 calories 10 minutes. 

Same the adult of weight 150 pounds who jumps vigorously on a trampoline for 30 can lose almost 126 calories. 

How many calories does rebounding burn? 

The trampolines of small size are called rebounders, and this mini equipment is used to maintain health and fitness at home. The rebounders are used to perform intense workouts peacefully inside the house. 

When a person of weight 150 pounds workout on a rebounder for at least twelve minutes, he will lose 75 calories, and if he works for 30 minutes, he will burn 150-210 calories respectively. 

How to calculate the calories burnt during jumping? 

The formula that you can use to calculate the burnt calories is as follows;

  Calories burned per minute= (MET x bodyweight x 3.5) x 200 

“ MET is the measurement of the energy cost of the physical activity that you perform in a certain period of time. “

By putting your weight and MET in the above formula, you can easily calculate the number of calories you have lost per minute. 

What are the health benefits of jumping on a trampoline? 

Jumping on a trampoline is a less impact workout, and it has several health benefits, which are as follows; 

Low impact & effective workout

Trampoline jumping is a more effective exercise than other cardio workouts like jogging, high-intensity interval training, etc. It burns more calories and helps achieve fitness in a short time. 

Moreover, jumping on a trampoline reduces the impact on joints and prevents the risks of straining or any fracture. 

Burn calories rapidly

Jumping on a trampoline can burn fats and help shed kilos of weight in a very short time. It enhances the metabolic activity in the body and increases the energy demand in the body.  

Improve heart health

When you jump on a trampoline, blood flows throughout the body increases, and as a result, it enhances the working of heart muscles. 

Moreover, it controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risks of deadly heart diseases. 

Improve balance

Another most important benefit of jumping on a trampoline is improving the balance and posture of the body. 

When you jump and perform complex stunts, it will improve body coordination and motor skills. 

Make the bones stronger

Bouncing on a trampoline is very beneficial for bone health as it makes them stronger & denser and prevents bone injuries or straining. 

How to track the calories burned during jumping? 

To track the number of calories while jumping on a trampoline, you can use various smart devices like heart rate monitors that tell the exact number of calories you are burning. 

It is a perfect way to calculate the number of calories and monitor whether you are hitting your desired target. 

How does trampoline jumping influence the cells of your body?

Well, jumping on a trampoline is a low-impact exercise in which the body cells undergo conservation of energy, and as a result, they get energized. 

When you stand still on a trampoline, the body is at a rest position, and there is only potential energy stored in the body. 

After a few minutes, you start jumping again and again, both the kinetic and potential energies are present in the body, and it utilizes it perfectly. 

When you reach the maximum height, the body contains kinetic energy, and there is no potential energy in it at this point. 

Hence, it is clear that while jumping on a trampoline, the body cells continuously convert one form of energy into another and remain energetic. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Recreational activities like jumping on a trampoline or rebounding are better ways to burn calories than jogging or walking briskly. A person who jumps on a trampoline for 10-30 minutes every day can burn 225- 375 calories. 

The burning of calories dramatically depends upon the factors like weight, age, and intensity of the workout. Therefore, a heavy person can burn more calories than a low-weight person even if both work out at the same intensity. Besides, you can calculate the number of calories you burn by putting weight and MET in the above formula or wearing a heart rate monitor to calculate the calories. 

I hope this guide will be helpful for you to work out effectively and burn more calories in a short time. Happy reading!