A Guide to Avoid In-Ground Trampoline Snakes

Last Updated on August 15, 2022 by Charlie Nash

Trampolines are a lot of fun, but there are some serious safety risks involved. The biggest safety risk with trampolines is the fact that there may be snakes lurking underneath. It’s hard to have fun when constantly worried about being bitten by a snake. This is a painful experience, but it can also be deadly.

So, to help you, we are here. Follow our guide to avoid in-ground trampoline snakes and you can rest assured that you and your family will be safe while jumping on your trampoline.

In this article, we will discuss why in-ground trampolines attract snakes, how to keep snakes away from your in-ground trampoline, and many more. So, let’s get started.

What are In-Ground Trampolines?

In-ground trampolines are installed in the ground. They are usually made of metal or plastic and have holes in the center. The hole is generally covered with a net to keep people from falling out.

In-ground trampolines are very popular because they are much safer than traditional trampolines. However, they are not without their own risks. One of the most significant risks is the fact that in-ground trampolines attract snakes.

Why Do In-Ground Trampolines Attract Snakes?

There are a few reasons why in-ground trampolines attract snakes. First of all, they provide a perfect hiding spot for snakes. The hole in the center of the trampoline is the perfect size for a snake to hide in.

Another reason why in-ground trampolines attract snakes is that they are usually located in areas where there are a lot of insects. Snakes love to eat insects, so they are naturally drawn to areas where there are a lot of them.

In addition, they are often located in warm, sunny areas. Snakes like to bask in the sun, so they are often drawn to trampolines that are located in sunny locations.

How to Avoid In-Ground Trampoline Snakes?

In-ground trampoline snakes can be a serious safety risk. We are going to mention some of the main tips. If you follow these tips, you can rest assured that you will avoid in-ground trampoline snakes.

  • The best way to avoid in-ground trampoline snakes is to install a snake fence around your trampoline. A snake fence is a barrier that snakes cannot cross. It is usually made of metal or plastic and has small holes that snakes cannot squeeze through.
  • Keep your trampoline clean because in-ground trampolines can also attract snakes if they are dirty. Snakes are attracted to areas where there is a lot of food for them to eat. If you have a lot of insects on your trampoline, it will attract snakes. So, be sure to keep your trampoline clean.
  • In addition, you should remove any objects from around your trampoline that could provide a hiding spot for snakes. These objects include woodpiles, rocks, and other debris.
  • You should also keep your grass short because long grass provides a perfect hiding spot for snakes. If you have tall grass around your trampoline, it’s a good idea to cut it down.

Also Read: Top 10 Best In-Ground Trampolines Reviewed

How to Identify a Venomous Snake?

There are many different types of snakes, and not all of them are venomous. So, how can you tell if a snake is venomous?

  • One of the easiest ways to tell if a snake is venomous is to look at its head. Venomous snakes have triangular-shaped heads, while non-venomous snakes have round heads.
  • In addition, venomous snakes usually have pits on their heads. These pits are heat-sensing organs that help the snake locate its prey. Non-venomous snakes do not have these pits.
  • Another way to tell if a snake is venomous is to look at its eyes. Venomous snakes have elliptical pupils, while non-venomous snakes have round pupils.
  • Finally, you can look at the snake’s fangs. Venomous snakes have long, curved fangs, while non-venomous snakes have short, blunt fangs.

What to Do if You are Bitten by a Snake?

If you are bitten by a snake, the first thing you should do is try to identify the snake. If you can’t identify the snake, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • For a non-venomous snake, the best thing to do is to clean the wound and apply a bandage. Then, you should go to the doctor to make sure the wound doesn’t become infected.
  • For a venomous snake, you should not try to suck the venom out of the wound. This could make the situation worse. Instead, you should tie a bandage above the level of the wound to help slow the spread of the venom. Then, you should call for medical help immediately.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Avoiding Snakes

Now we are going to mention some additional tips that may help to avoid snakes.

  • Try to avoid areas where snakes are known to live. If you live in an area with a lot of snakes, it’s a good idea to stay away from areas where they are known to live.
  • Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts when you are in areas where snakes might be present. This will help to protect your skin from snake bites.
  • Make a lot of noise when you are in areas where snakes might be present. Snakes are sensitive to noise, and they will usually slither away if they hear you coming.

Also Read: In-ground Sunken Trampoline Problems


In-ground trampolines are a great way to have fun, but they can also be a safety risk. Snakes can enter your trampoline and bite you, which can be very dangerous. In this guide, we have discussed how to avoid in-ground trampoline snakes. We have also discussed what to do if you are bitten by a snake. Following these tips can help you to enjoy your trampoline without worry.

We hope that you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions or doubts regarding this article, feel free to ask. We will try our best to help you out.