What is A Trampoline? When Was The Trampoline Invented?

Last Updated on August 16, 2022 by Charlie Nash

Have you ever heard of a trampoline or wondered what is a trampoline? Well, it’s probably the most popular bouncer, becoming a favorite toy for kids. Nowadays, you can find trampolines all over the place. They’re especially popular for indoor bounce houses and playgrounds. But did you know that there is a history behind the invention of the trampoline? It’s been around since the late 19th century.

A trampoline is a piece of equipment found in many backyards across America. It comprises a metal frame and a taut fabric or netting that people can jump on. Though the modern trampoline was not invented until the 1930s, there are references to similar devices dating back to ancient China.

However, when it comes to the history of trampolines, there’s a lot of misinformation. So, let’s clear things up and get some facts straight! The trampoline has become a very popular and useful recreational device. But when did it start being used for other purposes? We’re going to take a look at this important piece of equipment.

We’ll talk about how it started and how the first trampolines were made. Then, we’ll look at how the trampoline has changed over time and how it’s used in modern times. Learn more about the history and science of trampolines in this blog post.

What is A Trampoline?

Trampolines are devices consisting of a sheet of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs. They are used for recreational and competitive purposes, as well as for exercise. For example, a person bounces on a trampoline by jumping up and down with their feet, using the trampoline’s fabric surface to support them. 

The fabric absorbs some of the jumper’s kinetic energy, and their momentum causes them to bounce back up again. Trampolines are usually rectangular, but there are also round and oval trampolines. Some trampolines have enclosures around them to keep the jumper within the bounds of the trampoline and prevent them from falling off.

Trampolines are a lot of fun, but they can also be dangerous if misused. It is important always to use caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a trampoline. Always make sure someone is nearby to spot the jumper in case they fall, and never attempt flips or other stunts on a trampoline unless you are a trained professional.

When was the Trampoline Invented?

A trampoline is a piece of sporting equipment originally designed as a gymnastic tool. Early trampolines were materials with no stretch whatsoever, such as nets or bedsprings.

The first trampoline-like device was called a “rebound tumbler” and was patented in 1887 by American Luther Halsey Gulick (Source). It was used as a training tool for acrobats and gymnasts. George Nissen and Larry Griswold built the first modern trampoline in 1936. Nissen was a gymnastics and diving competitor, and Griswold was his business partner. They started the Griswold-Nissen Trampoline Company. The word “trampoline” was coined by Nissen.

Brief History: Trampolines were originally made with steel frames and canvas beds. The beds were replaced with woven nylon or polypropylene in the 1970s. and The frames are now made of aluminum tubing. The springs are also made of steel. Trampolines come in many sizes, from small “mini” trampolines to large “industrial” trampolines. Rectangular trampolines are also available.

The first trampolines were made out of bedsprings. George Nissen saw acrobats using a net to train and decided to make a rectangular frame out of steel with a piece of canvas stretched over it. This design was then improved by adding springs around the outside of the frame. Nissen and Griswold made the first commercially-available trampoline in 1936.

Use of Trampoline: Past & Present

#1. Gymnastics settings

In the past, trampolines were used primarily for gymnastics training and entertainment. Gymnasts would use trampolines to practice their routines and flips. They would also use them for training for acrobatic performances. In addition, trampoline shows were popular entertainment in circuses and carnivals.

#2. Entertainment and exercise

Nowadays, trampolines are still used for entertainment and exercise, but they have also become popular pieces of backyard equipment. Many people have trampolines in their yards so their children can play on them. Trampolines are also used in many fitness classes, such as aerobics and Pilates. They are also used by athletes to train for competitions.

#3. Sport settings

Trampolines are used in many sports. They are used in competitive events such as the Olympic Games, NCAA championships, and X Games. They are also used in recreational settings such as backyard trampolines, parks, and campgrounds. Trampolines are also used in schools and gyms for physical education classes and as an exercise tool.

#4. Recreational settings

Trampolines can be used for a variety of activities. They are commonly used for recreational purposes such as backyard fun, trampoline parks, exercise, or physical education classes. Some people use trampolines to perform stunts or tricks. Trampolines can also be used in competitive settings, such as gymnastics or diving. Trampolines are also often used in competitive events such as the Olympic Games, NCAA championships, and X Games.

What Types of Trampolines are there?

There are many trampolines, from small mini trampolines to large industrial ones. Trampolines come in different shapes as well, such as round, square, and rectangular. Most trampolines have a steel frame, and a fabric surface stretched over them. The fabric is usually made of nylon or polypropylene.

Today, trampolines are made with a variety of materials. The frame is typically made out of aluminum tubing. The bed is usually made out of nylon or polypropylene. The springs are also made out of steel. There are many different sizes and shapes of trampolines available. Some are small enough to fit in a backyard, while others are large enough for commercial use.

Some trampolines have padding around the edge of the frame to protect jumpers from injury. Trampolines can be used for recreation, exercise, or competitive sport.

Some popular recreational activities that people use trampolines for are:

  • Doing tricks
  • Bouncing high
  • Playing games
  • Exercising

There are many benefits to using a trampoline for recreation or exercise. Trampolines are a great way to get some cardio exercise while having fun at the same time. They can also help improve coordination and balance. Additionally, they are low impact and therefore easier on the joints than other forms of exercise such as running.

Trampolines are a lot of fun, but they can also be dangerous if misused. It is important always to use caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a trampoline. Always make sure someone is nearby to spot the jumper in case they fall, and never attempt flips or other stunts on a trampoline unless you are a trained professional.

Pros of Trampoline

The benefits of using a trampoline are well-documented. A trampoline provides a fun way to get some exercise, and people of all ages can use it. Trampolines are also a great way to burn calories and lose weight.

There are many different ways to use a trampoline, and there are even some health benefits that come along with using one. Here are some of the top benefits of using a trampoline:

1. Way to work out: A trampoline is a great way to get some exercise. A trampoline is a great option if you are looking for a fun way to burn calories and get in shape. You can use a trampoline for running, jumping, or bouncing around.

2. Improves coordination: Trampolines are also a great way to improve your coordination and balance. If you have trouble with your balance, a trampoline can help you work on it.

3. Reduces stress: Trampolines are a great way to relieve stress. If you are stressed out, a trampoline can provide a great way to relieve some of that stress.

4. Enhances flexibility: Trampolines are also a great way to improve your flexibility. If you have trouble with your flexibility, a trampoline can help you work on it.

5. Strengthening cardiovascular activity: Trampolines are a great way to improve cardiovascular health. If you have trouble with your cardiovascular health, a trampoline can help you work on it.

As you can see, many benefits come with using a trampoline. A trampoline is a great option if you are looking for a great way to get some exercise, improve your coordination and balance, relieve stress, or have fun.

Cons of Trampoline

A trampoline can be a great way to get some exercise, but it can also be dangerous. Here are some of the dangers associated with trampolines.

1. Injuries. Because trampolines are often Jumping on a trampoline can lead to injuries, including broken bones, sprains, and concussions. The impact of jumping on a trampoline can also lead to spinal, neck, or head injuries. While it is rare, on average, there are just over two deaths per year by trampoline, according to Consumer Product Safety Commission data

2. Strains and Sprains. The repetitive bouncing can lead to strains and sprains in the legs, back, and neck.

3. Muscle Soreness. The impact of jumping on a trampoline can lead to muscle soreness.

4. Joint Pain. Jumping on a trampoline can also lead to joint pain, particularly in the knees and ankles.

5. Fatigue. The constant jumping can lead to fatigue, which can be dangerous if you are not careful.

If you are going to use a trampoline, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take precautions to avoid injury. If you or someone you know has been injured while using a trampoline, contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.



Summing up, trampolines are devices consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a metal frame using many coiled springs. People jump on trampolines for recreation and exercise. They have a long history and modifications throughout their popularity.

If you are considering using a trampoline, consider the pros and cons before making a decision. Trampolines can be a great way to get some exercise, but they also come with some risks. Therefore, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take precautions to avoid injury.